Thursday, January 30, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Final Assignment Choice

You may pick from either one of these assignments for the last project.  You may do both for extra credit.

Assignment Due by January 24th

Assignment Option #1:  Neon Black Light Photography

Objective:  Students will learn how to correctly set manual cameras to accommodate shooting portraiture under black lights with florescence.

Essential Questions: How do you set the aperture and shutter to shoot in low light?
What kind of compositions/model poses can you create to put emphasis on the florescent makeup?


- AT LEAST 30 pictures on a contact sheet for 80% completion on contact rubric.
- Post 2 of your best finalized well composed, edited photos
- Artist Reflection


Assignment Option #2:  Double Exposure Photography

Objective: Students will learn basics of opacity and layer masks to create an composite photo.

Essential Question: How can two images blend together cohesively to make a new image?

Composite Photography: Combining 2 or more photos and blending them together to make a new image.

Opacity: How transparent a layer is.  The more Opaque the less see through.

Blend Mode: Located in the Layers panel.  It is found under the "Normal" tab.  Blends the top layer with the layer underneath. 

Layer Mask: Allows you to cut through a layer without erasing any pixels. Button is located on layers window. Looks like a square with a circle in it. 


-Use some of the portraits you already took from the previous projects.
-Landscape or Texture photos you took from previous projects.
-You will be submitting 2 finalized composite images.