Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Texture and Lighting

Pictures Due for editing: March 10th

Final Edits and Post Due: March 18th

Objective: Students will learn to enhance textures with placement of light source.

Essential Question (answer for #5 in Reflection Questions): Looking at your images, were you able to enhance the texture with location of light source? Where was your light source placed?

Texture Power Point - click to view


1. Take at least 30 pictures of textures using correct lighting techniques.
2. Upload your pictures to your student # drive.
3. Make a contact sheet in photoshop and save as a JPEG.  (File> automate > contact sheet)
4. Edit your 3 best pictures from the shoot on photoshop or lightroom.
5. Post 3 pictures and contact sheet to blog.  Describe the texture of each image.
6. Do artist reflection on blog post.

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